Two Tier

Two-Tier approach

Whit the thaw comes a bit more movement – aside from the chore of cleaing up after winter and refurbishing some dilapidation, we embark on a two-tier activity round: one is archival, making use of the space to investigate some materials that will be handy for a presentation at the BPS22 in Charleroi for the summer (more on that later) and the other

Participation in an interventions at Maubeuge, “La Machine Kunst” instigated by D-K and involving a sort of subjective urban re/de development scheme run out of a local office, identified as ‘succursale’ of this very interdependent dep…

It is to be undertaken in three parts, (schemes A, B and C) as well as an aside investigation of sculptures in public spaces… as part of the investigation about those spaces as a whole – Maubeuge is a good case in point because the planning of the town after it’s destruction in the war was a concerted global effort, in which some aspects seem to have been more relevant than others.

in the old days municipal crews were constantly active in maintaining the parks and plants around the city – nowadays it is mainly contractors who do temporal interventions at intervals often subject to budgetary considerations… and more often than not postponed.

I intentionally held back with my plans and proposed just some modifications of greenery, as well as knitting another “vide Gonflé” as collaborative effort with D-K… more and report soon.

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