recon / siddering

For some reason the mere existence of the place has become an issue again – true, this year has seen very little to no activity there, due to various factore that are beyond the scope of the place itself – but does connect with the surroundings, which have changed quite a bit… (for the worse)


time to consider if it is still a viable venue, or if we should just leave it behind after investing mildly for some ten years… on the one hand a pity, on the other a bane – if one does not do anything then one can’t really fret either, or.. (either / or) and admittedly, have left it to rot somewhat…

(not that it can’t be refurbished and all that) – a matter of time, having enough time to do something about it, and the willingness too…

(now that my contract ends with the year, I was hoping to spend some more time there… and mayber get something going again, be it literary, pseudo-graphic, conceptual sort of entity to relate to the others… all still in the abstract projective…)

One of the notions is to combine it with the ‘bizarre’ project commencing in early 2024 in which I might consolidate or lose entirely some fictive entities and personae, relationships and references… I had already been making notes in the general direction of a plan, scheme or proposal… (Might be a problem because this is the Walloon part and culture-exploits are being segregated… on the other hand just a reason to attempt a unitary project- as antidote)…

(first pages… more soon)

and so on (next time)

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